To be a place of:
Praising — We worship as a loving community family of God (worship and magnify him) Psalm 34:3; Psalm 150
Restoring –We provide all a safe place for healing & renewal through Christian love and fellowship (ministry; fellowship) Acts 2:41-47
Growing — We help the community to discover, learn, and grow to Christian maturity (nurture; to grow) Ephesians 4:13; 2 Timothy 2:2
Sharing — We spread God’s word by sharing it with our neighbors & beyond (missions, evangelizing, Witnessing; spreading the word) Matthew 28:19-20
Serving — We help others to show God’s love by serving in their own unique way (discipleship, service, becoming more Christ-like) Ephesians 4:11-16,2 Timothy 2:2
Our pathway to fulfilling this purpose:
To rejoice with you when things are going well
To walk with you when things are not
To be as helpful as possible in your needs
To be a place where you can grow spiritually through practical applications
To be a place where we can have fun going to church
To be a place where visitors are welcome
To be a place where visitors are welcomed back
To be a place that offers hope and a safe haven to all of our church families